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environmental purification coating

Clean-Air is a paint or coating suitable for application to most any surface inside or outside.

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Clean-Air has the following properties


Product information

Cosmo-Dec`s hi tech approach to it`s coating technology means we are at the forefront when it comes to new and innovative ideas.

Clean-Air is a paint or coating suitable for application to most any surface inside or outside.

Clean-Air once painted onto a surface such as a roof, walls etc. contains ingredients that which when come into contact with the atmosphere clean the air. A catalytic reaction takes place converting air pollutants to harmless salts instantly.

Clean-Air cleans the air literally.

The amount of pollutants so cleaned are significant.

Building a gas scrubber or “Air purifier” to do the same job will be very much more expensive.

Clean-Air has a life expectancy similar to any high quality paint and needs no special maintenance.

This product contains active ingredients that literally clean the air.

Clean-Air paint performs the same role as other coatings as well viz. beautifying, waterproofing, rust protection, and general protection on a multitude of substrates.

With Semi conductor low temperature nano absorption – SLANT- technology we modify our paint to interact with pollutants in the atmosphere rendering them as inert nitrates.(Salts)

This process is dramatic in it’s effect.


Roofs, Walls, Structures and Homes

Multi story buildings, Apartment buildings and Office blocks

Shopping centers, Schools, Hospitals, Clinics and Factories


Clean-Air is a water based coating. The equipment used can be cleaned with ordinary tap water. Methods of application are by brush roller or spray applicators.


Approx. 6 to 8 square meters per liter. Depending on the substrate up to 120 square meters can be covered adequately with one twenty liter container.

Images of Clean-Air Applications

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Cosmo-Dec Everlasting Coatings originated in 1991, with a single product – Therma-Masta™.

Knowledge gained from manufacturing this complex and unique product allowed us to formulate new and innovative products such as Fire-Guard™, Aqua-Mite™, Aqua-Therm™, Clean-Air, etc. for specialty applications.

To-day, 3 decades on we manufacture more than 50 different types of construction chemicals out of our factory in Pretoria, Gauteng.

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