Fire-Guard™ Fog is an accredited fire retardant fog treatment for roof interiors and thatch roofs that have been tiled.
Fire-Guard™ Fog has the following properties
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Fire-Guard™ Fog is an accredited fire retardant fog treatment for roof interiors.
Our team applies Fire-Guard™ Fog to the roof interior using an accredited fire retardant and specialized fogging machines.
The dense Fire-Guard™ Fog allows the fire retardant chemical to penetrate every pore of the roof interior ensuring maximum absorption as well as protection.
Because our product absorbs deep into the pores of the substrate it is very long lasting as well as impact resistant.
Our team also applies Fire-Guard™ Fog to thatch roofs that have been tiled.
Fire-Guard™ Fog is an accredited fire-retardant.
Our product has biocidal properties that protect the roof interior from fungus as well as mold. It also has insecticidal properties that repel unwanted pests.
Fire-Guard™ Fog is a quick as well as inexpensive service that protects the entire roof interior.
In addition, because Fire-Guard™ Fog treats the ceiling boards, roof fires are far less likely to spread into the home.
Our fire retardant is also an eco friendly product.
accredited fire retardant fog treatment for roof interiors
Regions we apply Fire-Guard™ Fog
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Cosmo-Dec Everlasting Coatings originated in 1991, with a single product – Therma-Masta™.
Knowledge gained from manufacturing this complex and unique product allowed us to formulate new and innovative products such as Fire-Guard™, Aqua-Mite™, Aqua-Therm™, Clean-Air, etc. for specialty applications.
To-day, 3 decades on we manufacture more than 80 different types of construction chemicals out of our factory in Pretoria, Gauteng.